What are some major landmarks that you encounter on your travels?

Do locals tell tall tales about their origin? Write about how these experiences might affect you as you continue on your journey.

  1. The Endless Staircase: This is a massive, spiraling staircase that seems to go on forever. Local legend says that it was built by an ancient civilization as a way to reach the gods, but no one has ever been able to ascend to the top. Some say that the staircase is cursed and that those who try to climb it will never return.
  2. The Pool of Reflection: This is a large, crystal-clear pool located in the heart of a dense forest. According to legend, the pool has the power to show a person their true self when they look into its depths. Some say that it can even grant wishes to those who are pure of heart.
  3. The Tower of the Necromancer: This is a tall, crumbling tower that is said to be inhabited by a powerful necromancer who can raise the dead and control the minds of others. Local villagers fear the tower and often leave offerings of food and other gifts at its base in an attempt to appease the necromancer.

Experiencing these landmarks might affect a party in a variety of ways. For example, ascending the Endless Staircase could be a challenging and potentially dangerous task, and the party might face obstacles and enemies as they try to reach the top. Alternatively, seeing their true selves in the Pool of Reflection might lead the party to reassess their goals and motivations, and they might decide to make changes in their lives as a result. Facing the Tower of the Necromancer could be a harrowing experience, and the party might be forced to confront their own mortality and the limits of their power.

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