Whenever you and your company hit a new town or city, you’re sure to be tavern-bound eventually.

Write a list of at least five tavern names, their themes, their proprietors, and their personalities. What characters or unique brews you might encounter at each establishment.

  • ”The Drunken Dragon”: A lively establishment with a dragon-themed decor, the Drunken Dragon is owned by a boisterous human man named Bart. Bart is known for his love of good ale and good company, and he is always ready to regale his patrons with tales of his adventures. The Drunken Dragon is known for its wide selection of ale, including a few special brews made by Bart himself. You might also encounter a group of bards playing lively music in the corner, or a group of dwarves singing old drinking songs around a table.
  • ”The Velvet Unicorn”: A more upscale establishment with a unicorn-themed decor, the Velvet Unicorn is owned by a elegant elven woman named Lirien. Lirien is known for her love of fine wine and her refined taste, and she is always eager to introduce her patrons to new and unusual vintages. The Velvet Unicorn is known for its extensive wine list, as well as a few signature cocktails made with exotic ingredients. You might also encounter a group of nobles discussing politics over glasses of wine, or a wealthy merchant eager to impress a potential business partner.
  • ”The Rusty Tankard”: A more down-to-earth establishment with a nautical theme, the Rusty Tankard is owned by a gruff half-orc man named Grunk. Grunk is known for his love of strong drink and his no-nonsense attitude, and he is not afraid to toss out any patron who causes trouble. The Rusty Tankard is known for its cheap ale and its hearty pub food, as well as a few special brews made by Grunk himself. You might also encounter a group of sailors telling tall tales of their adventures on the high seas, or a retired adventurer regaling the younger patrons with stories of their exploits.
  • ”The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party”: A more eccentric establishment with a Alice in Wonderland-themed decor, the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party is owned by a eccentric gnome man named Twiddle. Twiddle is known for his love of strange brews and his unpredictable personality, and he is always eager to introduce his patrons to new and unusual concoctions. The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party is known for its wide selection of tea and its eclectic menu of snacks and small plates. You might also encounter a group of artists discussing their latest projects over cups of tea, or a young wizard experimenting with a new potion recipe.
  • ”The Black Knight’s Banquet Hall”: A more formal establishment with a medieval-themed decor, the Black Knight’s Banquet Hall is owned by a stately human man named Sir Reginald. Sir Reginald is known for his love of fine dining and his strict adherence to protocol, and he expects his patrons to conduct themselves with dignity and decorum. The Black Knight’s Banquet Hall is known for its elaborate feasts and its extensive wine list, as well as a few signature dishes prepared by Sir Reginald himself. You might also encounter a group of nobles celebrating a special occasion, or a diplomatic envoy negotiating a treaty over a lavish feast.

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